What Direction?
Dateline: DirectionlessVille, March 9, 2025
The media – yes, even the mainly leftscream – are mystified by the empty chair at the head of the Dem Party. It’s been vacant since the Party’s thrashing in November. At this point, no one appears close to occupying it which has left Dems in a state of disarray.
There were Party leaders before the election of course. Biden, the weak, demented old fool, wasn’t one of them. The consensus is that Obama and Pelosi were the powerholders in the Party with Schumer as their errand-boy-in-chief.
But they have since receded into the background. They have no desire to sully their reputations further by association with the chaos and destructive antics currently in play. Besides, they don’t have the pull to rally Dems around the Party flag. Probably at this point no one does.
Even before the election, a current of discontent was pulling against the prevailing tide of Party rule. The current became a raging river of divisiveness after the blowout loss. At this juncture the river cannot be diverted. More and more Dems in Congress are exhibiting the bizarre behavior that once was the exclusive domain of the Odd Squad.
Perhaps cooler heads are waiting for this madness to exhaust itself when they can step in and get the unified ball rolling again.
The problem with waiting is that there may not be enough left to bring together. The positions being staked out now either triggered the November massacre or create more denial discord among the emotion-driven extremists.
Time will tell if it hasn’t already.